PRS is a network of modern Professional women; who are enriching their communities by elevating, uniting, and inspiring themselves and others.
PRS strives to be well known in the community for being diverse and an effective leader in the Denver Metro Area. Our vision is to have different chapters in different locations in Colorado and to have sub-chapters within main chapters to cater to younger women. Help us build our vision!
Before we build... we are getting the community familiar with our name by serving in the community and having a strong facebook and twitter presence!
Find our group on Facebook: Purple Ring Society
Find PRS on Twitter @PurpleRing00
There will be many more blogs but we just wanted everyone to know what we are about! On this blog you will see:
- Inspiring words, quotes and stories for women
- Business events, networking and info about upcoming businesses
- Interesting facts and fun information
- Beauty tips for women
- Community events that you can be apart of
- Pictures of the events we attend
- Diet tips
- movie / restaurant recommendations
- Much much much more!!!!
Have a great week!